Training Programmes
Oxford Training Centre LTD programmes have been developed and are continuously based not only on the latest international management principles and practices, but also on field research, first-hand experience, in-depth knowledge of the region and the specific requirements of organizations.
Training Methodology
Oxford Training Centre LTD relies on a variety of training and facilitation methods and techniques. Used whenever applicable, these methods are aimed at enhancing individual and group interaction while maximizing learning. Some of these methods are:
- Brief presentations by the consultant.
- Group debriefs.
- Individual and team exercises, indoors and outdoors.
- Behavior modeling and role-plays.
- One-to-one and group discussions.
- Case studies, simulations and small projects.
- Video films, video taping and playback.
- Self-analysis questionnaires and learning instruments.
- Individual action plans (to follow up and evaluate training results).
Most training programmes are held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m (breakfast & lunch included). However, some particularly in-company programmes are more intensive with extended hours.
Action Plans and Training Follow-up
To ensure the concepts and skills introduced in our programmes are duly transferred to the workplace, Oxford Training Centre is ready to incorporate an “action plan” section at the end of any training programmes. This section will constitute an integral part of the training and will be completed by the participants before the closing of the programmes.
If requested by the client, Oxford Training Centre also stands ready to design a follow-up training session and/or consult with the client to try to expedite the transfer of learning and to deal with any post-training issues which may impact the business.

Public Programmes
Public training programmes are open to participants from any organization. These participants have the opportunity to concentrate on their learning away from the job and without the pressures of day-to-day work. Participants also benefit from sharing experiences with people from other organizations and gain a new perspective on common problems.
Search the Oxford Training Centre LTD website, for public programme(s) of choice, and submit your registration today. You may also contact Oxford Training Centre for more detailed information.
Most of the training programmes described in this directory can be offered “in-company” in English and are then designed to effectively and economically meet the specific needs of the client. Oxford Training Centre can also design and offer “in-company” programmes on subjects that are not listed in this directory.
In-company programmes benefit the client because they:
- Address issues specifically related to the organization.
- Include specially designed cases and exercises, which apply to the client’s situation.
- Enable the organization to the proper mix of participants to ensure maximum benefit.
- Build team spirit among the programme participants.
- Are cost effective.
In addition, Oxford Training Centre can design programmes based on any combination of topics listed in this website.
Please submit your request for In-Company training proposal today, or search the Oxford Training Centre website for offered training programmes. You may also contact Oxford Training Centre for more detailed information.

Individualized Training Programmes (ITPs)
Individualized Training Programmes (ITPs) represent concentrated, practical, one-to-one coaching sessions, with individuals receiving the full-time attention of specialized and experienced consultants.
Oxford Training Centre Senior Consultants, reviews of manuals, reports and other data, as well as supervised exercises and structured discussions. ITPs may last from one week to three months, depending on individual and organizational needs.
Please submit your request for Individualized Training Programmes (ITPs) training proposal today, or search the Oxford Training Centre website for offered training programmes. You may also contact Oxford Training Centre for more detailed information.